Brand Story

The story of Skinford is a journey rooted in passion, family legacy, and a dream nurtured since childhood. Dr. Aarti and Dr. Amit Bhasin, a brother-sister duo, hail from a family lineage deeply entrenched in the medical field for four generations. From their early years, they were immersed in the world of skincare, studying skin conditions alongside their father and inheriting a passion for dermatology.

For Dr. Aarti, the fascination with skincare began in childhood, spending countless hours absorbed in cosmetology journals and magazines. With each page turned, her dream grew – a dream to create skincare products that went beyond the ordinary, products that not only improved skin but also boosted confidence, transforming lives with each radiant complexion.

The bond between Dr. Aarti and Dr. Amit is as strong as it is pure, forged from a lifetime of shared experiences and a mutual commitment to their shared vision. From childhood to adulthood, their connection only deepened, culminating in the establishment of Privé Skin Clinic, followed by the launch of SKINFORD  and HAIRFORD

Skinford wasn’t just a business venture; it was a labor of love, drawing from the collective wisdom and experience of many generations. Every product was meticulously crafted, reflecting a commitment to quality, integrity, and innovation.

Behind every success story lies a tale of unwavering belief and relentless determination. Dr. Aarti and Dr. Amit’s journey was no exception. With their shared vision and unwavering support for each other, they overcame obstacles and turned dreams into reality.

Dr. Aarti’s mantra, “If my skin looks good, I can handle anything,” reflects the transformative power of confidence that radiates from within. As Skinford sets out to illuminate countless lives, it carries with it a promise – a promise of flawless skin, yes, but also a promise of passion, perseverance, and the unwavering belief that true beauty transcends the surface, reaching deep into the soul.

The name “Skinford” is likely a combination of “skin” and “ford.” “Skin” obviously refers to the focus of the brand—skincare. As for “ford,” it  represents crossing over . In the context of skincare, it  symbolize crossing over from troubled skin to healthy, radiant skin,  it means moving through the journey of skincare transformation

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